Peace of mind from
prototype to production
Build rich, interactive web applications quickly,
with less code and fewer moving parts. Join our growing
community of developers using Phoenix
to craft APIs, HTML5 apps and more, for fun or at scale.
defmodule TimelineLive do use Phoenix.LiveView def render(assigns) do render("timeline.html", assigns) end def mount(_, socket) do Twitter.subscribe("elixirphoenix") {:ok, assign(socket, :tweets, [])} end def handle_info({:new, tweet}), socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :tweets, fn tweets -> Enum.take([tweet | tweets], 10) end)} end end
Do you want to be appreciated? If you
know and use Elixir 1) I bet you know
more than you think you do and 2) I'm
certain others can benefit from your
knowledge! Submit your CFP for
@ElixirConfEU at
confeu2020/cfp Many will be grateful that you
did. #MyElixirStatus
Psyched to have spoken with
@chris_mccord on my first podcast
with @seradio on #elixirlang
#phoenix latest and greatest
LiveView framework
My smart mirror has been running for
weeks without a restart. Phoenix
liveview updates every second, hasn't
missed one yet. #myelixirstatus
I implemented a shopping cart
using Phoenix Live View and then
realized that it syncs automatically
across multiple tabs and always
displays the correct state. I wasn’t
even trying to make any of that
work. #myelixirstatus
Episode 394: Chris McCord on
Phoenix LiveView
Using @elixirphoenix's LiveView to
filter over 800 tree species
( I'm so
impressed with how fast it is and how
easy it was to write. #myelixirstatus
#phoenixframework 🌲🌳🌲
If you want to learn more why Phoenix
LiveView is such a game changer for
writing interactive and real-time
applications, the @pragmaticstudio
folks put together a short and sweet
4-min video on it:
phoenix-liveview… (scroll to mid-page)